Personal Phone Consultation and Ad Critique

Your purchase included TWO personal consultation with me to get you off to a fast start and a followup tweaking Google Adwords session.

To help you pull everything in my system together all at one time, and make sure you’ve got my system to be optimally customized for your goals, I am including a special “Free Phone Consultation” certificate.   A Personalized 30 minute consultation- just you and me for a one on one chat about everything important to fine-tuning your business for success

I also am including a “10 point advertising critique” certificates. Any time you want your Google Advertising or your Marketing material critiqued personally by me, just use one of these certificates and it shall be done. I know how to take any ad and make it better, instantly. I’ll “tweak” your ad so its a monster!

It’s like having a top marketing expert when you need him. Because I believe in you, the System, and your potential for outrageous success, I am happy to offer this incredible bonus.

email me direct at to schedule your calls.