The Money is in the list! Here are two new tactics to get you involved in virtual wholesaling quickly and without risk or fear. Both of these methods not only will reduce your risk, but get you money in your pocket fast.
1. Partnering – When I first started investing out of my area, I worked on building a great buyers list along with the thought of leveraging my time. When a deal now comes from outside my area, and I need to move it fast, I simply find another investor in the area of the property and break off a piece of profits. This technique will give you " boots on the ground " to take care of business, plus if they are serious investors they also will have a good buyers list to pass the property over to him and find a buyer. Use a partner agreement or transfer the option contract.
You can contact the local REIA online, Craigslist, etc. Its simply a matter of rewording your classified advertising with another "angle". Think about it…you basically achieve opening a whole new area of business. Just make sure the deals have enough room in them for this type transaction because its basically wholesaling to another wholesaler. I have used an option contract in this way which says the person you are working with in that area has the option to purchase the property at price X and can keep sell for Y and pocket the difference of X and Y.
Its all about networking and getting it in front of qualified investors like landlords, rehabbers, and/or Wealth builders (Buy and Hold).
Sample Partnering Documents can be found HERE
Use the Online Lead Finder to help you find buyers ! ( see under software bonuses )
2. Absentee Owners (with multiple mortgages) who closed on property in the last six months! Check out your county records office! This is a very easy list to obtain. Then it's simply a matter to send them a mailer that directs them to your website … Of course you have them "opt-in " to view the property … This is a very fast way to build an EXPERIENCED Buyers list. I pulled lists of hundreds of these types of people, (in any city I choose to do a deal), mailed to it twice, and now have 100's of "real" investors in many areas that are actively investing in the last 6 months . Try it!
If you are unable to get a list from your county records, you may also try this source online: