A unique method of finding buyers is to visit churches. Simply inform the Reverend of your business and how you assist individuals to purchase a home for $3,000 – 5,000 down; then invite him to tell his parishioners about your services as he sees fit.
Reverends naturally view my services as good for their congregations because they like to see the living conditions of their people improved. They know that homeowners generally have greater self-esteem than renters, make greater efforts to improve themselves and their community, and have a more stable lifestyle. You can make your services even more enticing by offering to give his congregation a donation of $1,500 for every parishioner who ends up buying from you. Believe it or not, this method has worked the best for me. I work with many churches and get referrals like crazy. I can’t keep up with the number of people they send me. The thing about Reverends is that they sell people before you even show them the property. Think about it, if there is anyone you trust most, other than your family, who would it be? The overseer of your place of worship? So when a Reverend recommends you, his people WILL purchase a home from you.
Most folks think you are trying to con them. It’s your job to convince them otherwise. A referral from a respected spiritual leader goes miles toward establishing your credibility. Offering the $1,500 donation does not hurt your chances of receiving referrals either. Referral fees are very powerful! I not only offer such fees to Reverends, but to everyone I meet. When you offer people $1,500, they go out of their way to find you, buyers. It’s unbelievable. I no longer do any advertising to find buyers; instead, people bring me, buyers. Even when I sell the property to someone, I inform them that I’ll give them $1,500 if they bring me another buyer. I cannot tell you how amazingly this works. I can’t find enough properties for all the buyers I have in line. I actually have lists of people waiting for me to put them in a home! So as you can see, my methods work. And when you work smart, you don’t have to work hard. Something else you should do is that every time someone calls you, inquiring about a property, put them in your database. Even if you don’t have any properties available, place them in your database and tell them you will call them once you get a new property in.
Also, it’s best to ask them just what kind of property they’re looking for and in what area. Not only does this give you a ready buyer if you come across such a property, but it can actually serve as a prompt. In other words, once you know what kind of place and location an individual is looking for, you can commence a search of that particular area, looking for their desired type of property. This really saves your time. Instead of looking for property in random areas, you can capitalize on the information at your disposal and look for property in areas for which you already have buyers. How much better could it get — having buyers for your properties before you even buy the properties?