Getting Started In Multi Unit Apartment Houses – What You Need To Know!
Tonight call we host Charles Dobens (pronounced Dobbins) is the founder of Dobens Law, LLC, the Multi-Family Law firm. In addition to practicing law, Charlie is also the owner/operator of over 440 apartments across the country as well as the owner of a property management company that services his properties. He lives in Duxbury, MA with his wife Kate and four children. Kate, his partner in their real estate ventures is also the president of Enterprise Management Consulting.
Dobens Law is a unique firm in that they represent new investors throughout every step of the acquisition process; from learning about how to identify deals all the way to knowing how to manage properties for maximum profits.
If it is an advocate that you feel you need throughout the investment process, someone who has been there and will look out for your best interests as you learn about and ultimately acquire property, then Dobens Law is your solution.