One of the “gee whiz’ moments that I came across when seeking out new marketing techniques was a realization that the same principals apply to real estate investing can also be used for ” cyberspace” real estate investing.
This came about because I use a multiple domain name strategy, to test different advertising. I match action words to the messge I want to get across. This increase response rates, because good domain names are easy to remember ( please see my previous post about how to choose domain names)
So here I was, buying domain names, new, used, expired, and dropped. Since I can not use all the domain names right away, ( it takes time to develop a new marketing piece), I put up a one page article along with a few google adsense adverts on it . I had my contact information on the page also.
Within a matter of a few days, I had someone contact me about if they could buy that domain name from me. The offer was a very pleasing. Of course I sold this domain to them. The other funny thing about this, is that those silly little adverts that appeared on my site contributed to another $134.00 by the time the transaction took place. (1 month)
I am sure you are aware, now with the internet going strong for over 10 years, good “.com ” names are becoming less and less. That is why you are seeing more people using other domain extentions. BUT they do not get the same recongnition as .com names. When you say a domain address to someone, most people think in terms of “.com” endings. If your site is not a “,com” , your chance of losing leads to the “.com” owner is great.
Lesson: Always buy a “.COM” extention and the more you buy the better. At only $8.95 a year from, invest a few hundred dollars in good domain names, put the domains up for sale ( you can do this at godadddy too ) and you will probably make a very good return on your investment.