10 Truths About Google and Ranking High

I have read hundreds of articles telling me how to get better rankings in Google. Some of this advice was very good and some was not. Here you will find 10 truths about getting better rankings in Google that I personally have found to be true after years of research. So let’s cut through the fat and get to the lean meat of the subject.

1. The Quick Fix

First the bad news, unfortunately, there are no quick fixes in creating higher rankings in Google. You have to have a lot of patience in the search engine optimization game. It will take months for your efforts to come to fruition. That’s why it’s important to get things right from the start and plan out your strategy.

2. Keywords

Keywords are the most important part of search engine optimization. You must do your keyword research before starting your website if you can because this will form the basis of all your search engine optimization.

There is no point going for broad keywords such as “foreclosure” since there is too much competition for those keywords and you will find it very difficult, if not impossible, to reach the top spot in Google. You are better off using long tail niche keywords. They will have a smaller search volume, but it will be easier to obtain a top position. People are more likely to find what they are looking for with long tail keywords. For example, if someone needs a website, they may type “stop foreclosure” on Google and visit a few websites. They may then discover they also need to find someone in their area who would help them. They will do another search for “stop foreclosure fast – Greenville South Carolina ” and this may be your niche keyword or key phrase.

How do you find keywords that people are searching for? If you have not done so already:

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DOWNLOAD >>>> Sample – Keyword_and_Competitor_Research_Report

Get your own Keyword Research done for five dollars HERE

Once you have found your keywords, do a search with them on Google. First of all look at how many results there are. If it’s in the millions, then maybe your keywords are not that good and would be too competitive.

At this point, you can use the Local SEO Intel Module of the Online Lead Finder Software! 

Note: Your Super Smart Websites contain an SEO module. Please login to it and change your keywords accordingly.

3. Title Tag

Google sees the title tag as the most important and relevant part of the webpage it retrieves. This is one of the few things you have any control over in Google’s search results. The title tag is the underlined header for your result in the SERPS. It also appears at top of your browser window. Keep this descriptive and readable but at the same time include your newly found niche keywords. Google will also highlight the keywords in your title that were included in the search query.

4. Description Tag

The description tag is the description of the webpage which resides under the title tag in the results. Again use your keywords in here, maybe some of the lesser ones you discovered. This is the only other part of the results you have any control over. Google will also highlight the keywords in here that match the search query. Again remember to keep it descriptive and readable.

5. Domain Names

If you can, try and include your main keywords in your domain name. Google will highlight them when they match the search query. This can give your ranking a little boost because it will show that your website is relevant to the search query.

6. Content

Content is very important. If you have ever changing fresh, unique content on your website relating to your topic, Google will love you for it and other websites will link to you. In return, this will increase your rankings, but you should really be doing this anyway. A website with no changing content is a dead website. Your content should contain your keywords, but don’t spam your content with your keywords. Use them at the start and end of your webpage and sprinkle them in-between. Also, use them in your header text and even bold a few as this shows Google that these words bear more importance.

7. PageRank

The thing about the PageRank bar is it can be at least 3 months out of date as Google only updates it in roughly a 3-month cycle. Only Google knows your true PageRank which changes all the time. Google regularly spiders your website and scans for new content and links to show the most relevant content in its results. Therefore PageRank is pretty inaccurate.

The other thing people get confused about is that it’s called PageRank, not site rank. What I have determined is that your website will get assigned a PageRank figure and then it will be distributed through your indexed pages, for example, if your website gets a figure of 5, then your home page may get a PageRank of 3 and your other pages get a 2 or maybe a 1 and so on. If these other pages also have links to them, this will increase their own individual PageRank.

The only advantage of that green bar that I can see is for exchanging links. You can get a rough idea of what a website’s ranking is and you can decide whether or not to exchange links.

8. Linking

One-way links are better than 2-way links, but one-way links can be harder to obtain. Why should someone put your link on their website; what’s in it for them? You can do this by writing articles like this one and submitting them to article websites, social media websites or on your own blog, but remember to add an author’s bio which includes some links to your website.

Reciprocal links are easier to come by, but in the early stages, when you don’t have a good page rank will be more difficult to obtain. Once your PageRank increases you can be more selective of the PageRank you exchange with.

Don’t forget about the guys starting out when your green bar starts to increase. If they have a website with good quality content, then you should consider linking with them. Remember we all need to start somewhere and today’s page rank of 1 is tomorrow’s PageRank 5. Try to link with relevant websites because Google likes this, and you will receive quality traffic from these websites for years to come.

Also, I have found a great little tool which checks potential link partners to see if they are linking to bad neighbourhoods. A link exchange with a penalized website could also result in a Google penalty for your site. The tool can be found at:


Note: The page at the above URL might not be visible in all web browsers but is visible in Internet Explorer.

9. Blogs

Blogs are loved by Google because they have lots of text and are constantly getting updated; so start your own blog on your website. Include articles, stories and anything that’s related to your website. If you give people something of interest, they will come back for more and link to you. We will be getting into blogging in the 30 day marketing plan!
