This is one of the most important videos because you need to know the benefits but also pitfalls of picking up that phone calling the broker when you see a potential deal… this information is a must if you are going to buy REOs because when you go after bank repos you enter the world of the “agent”… there is no way around this fact, so you need to know how to get around in “agent country”, including the terms, language, and motivation. Continue reading What you need to know before you call
All posts by Duncan Wierman
Power Forms, Scripts, Docs and More
Please find all the forms used in my system in one easy convenient place.
How To Get Investors To Give You Thousands of Dollars In The Next Few Days
I am going to show you how to have investors eating out of the palm of your hand and begging you to work with them. Finding investors and being able to set up successful and profitable relationships will make a huge difference to your business.
You will be the Rainmaker and will you be bringing together a group of serious real estate investors on your team. The key is that you want to have investors that focus in various areas that you do not. This is to ensure that any deal that comes your way, you will be able to handle. These will be strategic relationships that you will be able to use to leverage your time by using a whole new set of resources.
Continue reading How To Get Investors To Give You Thousands of Dollars In The Next Few Days
How To Buy And Sell Houses Virtually
Now it’s time that we are put the different pieces of the puzzle together. In this section we will go over the simple steps of making money in real estate without leaving your house. Once you understand this you can get your first deal going within 15-20 minutes. You can do these deals from anywhere you choose as long as you apply the model.
First let’s do a quick recap of the kinds of deals you are going to be doing, since you want to be able to work with any buyer, seller, investor, etc you must have an arsenal of tools and solutions at your disposable. Now we need to know the categories that each potential deal will fall under.
30 Public Relations Tips to Get Noticed
You have to be a guerrilla to stand out from the crowd. Here are some methods that can make people take notice that are sure to lead to good public relations.
Pick the ones best suited for you:
How to Pick Up a Deal Everyday and make money this month
How To Get A Deal Everyday With No Money, No Credit, No Experience
If you aren’t finding a deal everyday then something is wrong! You DON’T need money and you DON’T need a bank loan. With my methods, you will not even have to have your credit pulled! You will be able to start immediately to go out and pick up your first house to sell today.
The methods of buying houses that I am going to cover here are not new BUT it is the way that we are going to be using these methods that will make the difference. Here are the things you must remember in advance that is the secret to this method Continue reading How to Pick Up a Deal Everyday and make money this month
Tips for Assigning Deals for Faster Profits
Techniques to Assigning Deals for More Profits
When I first started flipping properties, I assigned my deals to the first investor I could find not considering that it could be possible to make more profit. Now, that I have become more experienced, I selectively accept contract assignments.
Today I want to discuss how you should assign a deal to an investor the proper way for fastest results and many times larger profits. Continue reading Tips for Assigning Deals for Faster Profits
Audio Postcards – Grab Attention and Increase Response Rate
Audio Postcards will bring leads faster from FSBO’s
This is such a great marketing method. On our FSBO marketing we do, we get nearly 30% calleing us back. That is phenomenal. Below is the audio I used in the postcard as a sample for you to listen to. Continue reading Audio Postcards – Grab Attention and Increase Response Rate
Flipping Notes for Fast Cash
Become an expert in the discount mortgage market.
The business of flipping discount mortgages requires some easily acquired knowledge and skills but requires little or no cash. That is one of the many reasons the discount mortgage business needs serious consideration. Let me first explain what a “Mortgage Flip” is for those of you who are not familiar with this concept.
Private Money Telephone Scripts
I wanted to share an additional method using 24 Hour Recorded Messages For Private Money investor screening. There are times, these lenders may call you directly from your postcard marketing instead of filling in the website contact form.
The following are two examples of scripts for using on your 24 Hour Recorded Information Line to line up private money for your deals. Continue reading Private Money Telephone Scripts
My Personal Private Money Investing Program
I have gotten many questions now that people have started to find out how easy it is to find private money. Today I will share with you how I run my program. Continue reading My Personal Private Money Investing Program
Selling Fast with Seller Financing – The do’s and dont’s
One of the most valuable tools to sell houses faster is by using seller financing. You can either know about seller financing, do it right and close more deals or you can watch deals go down the drain. You need to know how to set up and structure seller financing properly for best results.
It’s your neck on the line!
There is liability. A large number of lawsuits have been filed in regards to the “paper” involved in a seller financing transaction. The courts are saying effectively, that you have a liability to structure any carry-back financing to avoid problems and to best fit the needs of both buyer and seller. You must disclose the dangers and risks with certain types of financing.
Ignorance in Action
In the case of investors, they are paying prices now for the decisions they have made in the past few years. The use of seller financing sounds easy and wonderful as it is preached over the podium, yet there are risks – AVOIDABLE ONES! I am in no way saying that there is anything wrong with seller financing. What I am saying is that for it to be used responsibly there are certain areas, options and alternatives that need to be known.
In particular, there are six areas that can be of vital concern:
Continue reading Selling Fast with Seller Financing – The do’s and dont’s