Who Are YOU In The Short Sale?
Many guru’s and so called experts advise you to be a friend or somebody that is helping the owner with the short sale. This is the worst advice they could possibly give you! First, it’s lying. Second, there will come a time after the short sale has been accepted where it is revealed that you are the buyer or being compensated.
The question is how do you go from helping the owner with the short sale to being the investor buying the property or flipping it to somebody else. At this point you have lost all credibility with the lender not to mention your own personal integrity.
From the beginning you should always be the investor. Not only is this the right thing to do, it also gives you more options throughout the negotiations.
How To Communicate With The Loss Mitigator
The stronger your relationship with the loss mitigator the better your chance of getting a short sale accepted. This is a people business and you will earn more paydays by increasing your communication skills.
The loss mitigator has an interesting job. They may be working 200-300 files at any given time so time is a very limited commodity.
Next, ask yourself what type of personality is likely to be a loss mitigator? Somebody that loves to talk and is very chatty? Somebody that is very empathetic and understanding? Not likely!
Most often a loss mitigator will be direct and to the point. But don’t mistake the loss mitigator for somebody that’s revealing all of their cards. Many are paid on commissions so they will play hardball in the negotiations as long as possible.
In the initial call with the loss mitigator I will be very pleasant and easy going. My goal is to establish rapport and find out their preferred way to communicate. I’ll ask “Do you prefer to communicate by phone, fax or email?” All have their advantages and disadvantages.
Phone: Get their direct number and that of their supervisor in case they are out for any reason. The phone is very efficient if you can get through to the person directly without going through a prolonged messaging service and pushing 100 buttons.
FAX: Hands down the best way to communicate with loss mitigators. Lenders keep a log of faxes so be sure to log the number and time of your call. If faxing to a department fax expect 24-48 hours for a response. Always ask if the loss mitigator has a direct fax number. If so you are golden.
eMail: Personally this is my favorite way to communicate in the modern day world. Fast. Decisive. Available anytime. Some loss mitigators like to communicate through email and it can be very efficient. Always ask if the loss mitigator has an email address. However, do not rely on emails for short sale communications. 1) the email may not go through. 2) If the loss mitigator changes positions in the company the address could be terminated and you’ll be left wondering what happened. Email are great… but if you use them be sure to also use the phone and fax so there are records of your communication.
Short Sale Loss Mitigators
At a bare minimum you should communicate with the loss mitigator at least once per week. Let’s assume you have twelve weeks to negotiate a short sale before the property is lost to foreclosure. We’re talking about communicating with the loss mitigator a whopping 12 times. That is certainly not to much to ask for the amount of money you can make in this business.
After the initial communication with the loss mitigator you may need to get them a few items or you might just be in the ‘hurry up and wait’ part of the ballgame. The loss mitigator might be saying we need an offer at market value or we are not intersted.
They are interested but you have to play the time game. touch base with them weekly to see if anything has changed on their end. My favorite way to contact them is with the Status Request Fax shown below.
This let’s them know you are there and interested in working the short sale.
As the foreclosure date approaches you will want to speak directly with the loss mitigator and become for assertive with the negotiations.
Should You Send Pictures To The Loss Mitigator?
It was not that long ago when we mailed short sale packages to the lender and included pictures of the property. The times have changed.
These days lenders receive their BPO’s and Appraisals online. Most lenders have a website for the person completing the BPO or Appraisal to submit everything online in one convenient location for the lender. In today’s world the loss lenders want to receive everything electronically and anything you send to them will be scanned and the originals are normally discarded.
True Story: I was recently working with a lender and sent them an original signed warranty deed that needed their signature. I was shocked when the lenders representative told me she only had a copy because everything they receive is scanned with the originals destroyed.
These days the lenders rarely want anything via snail mail. The best bet is to fax anything that is needed or in special cases send something via certified mail.
Still, there are times when a picture is worth a thousand words. In such situations let the loss mitigator know you would like them to see some pictures of the property and ask for the best way to send the pictures. Sometimes loss mitigators have an email address you can use and other times email addresses are internal to the company where they literally can not send or receive standard email messages from outside the company.
Talking To Loss Mitigation Supervisors
There will be times when you are not making any progress with the loss mitigator. This could happen for a number of reasons including:
- The Loss Mitigator does not care.
- The Loss Mitigator is unable to do anything.
- The Loss Mitigator is an idiot.
- The Loss Mitigator is working higher priority files.
- The Loss Mitigator is overworked.
If you are not satisfied with the direction of the short sale negotiations request to speak to their supervisor. This is an avenue you have available and one you should always take when needed.
Will it offend the loss mitigator? It may, but this is not your concern. Your goal is to negotiate a successful short sale and if a loss mitigator is not returning calls and not working with you then you have very few viable alternatives.
It may be that the lender is unable to accept your short sale offer or anything remotely close. But you have to find out and when things stall with the loss mitigator you must go over their head.
And, you should do it with confidence! The facts remains if the lender ends up taking the property back as an REO it is likely they will net less than if they accept a good short sale offer. Help the supervisor see the light because you have everything to gain and nothing to lose.
Getting Nasty With Loss Mitigation
I wish I could tell you that every short sale will be a joyous experience and that the loss mitigators will return all of your call and faxes in a timely manner. The hard cold truth is many loss mitigators are so overworked they simply can not service all of their loans. There will be times when you have to be aggressive!
Realize this is a negotiation process and the amount of money you earn depends on your ability to negotiate. There will be times when you have to be blunt with a loss mitigator. There will be times when they may be offended even though no offense is intended. There will be times when you have to go over their heads. There will be times when loss mitigators are operating without the full functioning power of their brains and you will have to politely direct them to a mathematical understanding of foreclosures.
Negotiating In Good Faith
Most investors do not know that some loans require the lender to negotiate with the borrower in ‘good faith’ for a mortgage modification and repayment plan. Many government backed loans include this as a requirement when they underwrite the loan.
Unfortunately loss mitigators have learned they can run over most investors by acting as if they know everything, pushing around their rules, and telling investors it is the lender’s way or the highway.
What you don’t know is that the lenders train their staff to avoid certain situations and from doing certain things. Here’s one way to get the lender to negotiate in good faith. Your conversation could go like this…
“Is this call being recorded?”
“Great. I just wanted to ask you a question on the record is that OK?”
“I hold the Power of Attorney for Mr. Smith and it was my understanding that you had a legal obligation to NEGOTIATE WITH THE BORROWER IN GOOD FAITH for a mortgage modification, repayment plan or short sale. Is this true?”
(by the way we slipped in short sale into negotiating in good faith)
“Well, I’ve been trying to negotiate in good faith with you and to date I have not had a written response or counter offer to the short sale package I’ve submitted. I’ve done my part and I was hoping you could negotiate with me in good faith.”
Please understand this approach is not going to make friends or build brownie points with the lender. But if you are up against a lender that is not responsive you have to get aggressive. I guarantee this will get their attention.
Note: All lenders record the conversations and you can use this to your advantage in hard line negations. Again, I prefer nice negotiations but will use whatever tools are available to complete the job at hand.