Category Archives: Wholesaling

How Do You Know What To Offer On A Property

How To Determine Your Maximum  Offer

If you are going to be assigning your contracts, you need to ensure a good margin for your AS IS Cash Wholesale Buyer to Buy!  Here’s the formula I use for single family homes:

The Maximum Offer (MO) is calculated by first determining what the house will be worth after renovation which is referred to as the After Repaired Value (ARV); less the rehab dollars required; less the Buy/Sell/Hold (B/S/H) costs; less profit amount desired

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Fast Start Wholesaling for Quick Cash

What you are going to read below is totally different from everything you have every learned about wholesaling. I will teach you how to do this methods of real estate investing totally different from any other guru. None of the techniques require ANY money, credit , or experience. So if you find yourself in one of the categories below :

* You are already a traditional investor who owns at least 1 rental property
* You have ordered at least 1 other course but haven’t gotten started yet
* You are actively involved in real estate and have studied many courses
* You know absolutely nothing about real estate

This wholesaling course is designed for ALL of you. I cater to those who know absolutely nothing about this business. All you need is the information in this Course (and the appropriate included contracts) to make more money than you’ve ever dreamed possible!  Are you ready to change your life? Let’s get started!

Continue reading Fast Start Wholesaling for Quick Cash

How To Buy And Sell Houses Virtually

Now it’s time that we are put the different pieces of the puzzle together.  In this section we will go over the simple steps of making money in real estate without leaving your house. Once you understand this you can get your first deal going within 15-20 minutes. You can do these deals from anywhere you choose as long as you apply the model.

First let’s do a quick recap of the kinds of deals you are going to be doing, since you want to be able to work with any buyer, seller, investor, etc you must have an arsenal of tools and solutions at your disposable. Now we need to know the categories that each potential deal will fall under.

Continue reading How To Buy And Sell Houses Virtually

Tips for Assigning Deals for Faster Profits

Techniques to Assigning Deals for More Profits

When I first started flipping properties, I assigned my deals to the first  investor I could find not considering that it could be possible to make more profit.  Now, that I have become more experienced, I selectively accept contract assignments.

Today I want to discuss how you should assign a deal to an investor the proper way for fastest results and many times larger profits. Continue reading Tips for Assigning Deals for Faster Profits

Cheat Sheet to Quick Turning Houses: Steps To Your First Flip

Flipping homes can be confusing when you are just starting out. Especially if you are new to the real estate industry. For you newcomers, here are some quick start steps:

1. Prepare yourself mentally.

Determine your motivation for wanting to flip homes. Ideally, it should be emotional. For example, “I want to provide for my mom’s retirement”. This may seem silly, but your strong motivation is what will get you through the rough patches and will help you overcome your fears. Always remember your motivation during times of doubt or stress. Sharpen your mental attitude and energy. Believe that you can be successful flipping homes. Have faith that if someone else can do it, you can too. Another seemingly silly step, but if you don’t have this, you will give up when fear raises its ugly head, or when there is real work to be done. You have to believe you can be successful at flipping homes.

2. Continue your education.

All you need is my course, but you need to keep reading and stay up to date with my methods, and get on the monthly training calls.  It has an amazing wealth of information, but there is so much; you’ll need to be careful not to get overwhelmed. Read enough so that you are familiar with the process, but realize that I will help you along the way. You don’t need to be the expert, at least not yet. That will come with experience. Just understand and accept that you will need to start before you are 100% comfortable.

3. Determine your investing target market in your chosen city. Focus all of your energies on that one type of property and one area. You can branch out later. Understand the local market so you have a realistic turnaround time.

4. Find a real estate agent to represent you as buyer. Select one that focuses on the types of properties you want to flip. Speak with several. You will want one that not only understands the needs of investors, but one whose personality that meshes with yours. Be sure they understand your goals. You’ll likely be asking them to make offers that traditional agents may be comfortable with (creative financing, etc.), so this is why you want someone who invests themselves or who routinely works with investors.

5. Get your financial ducks in a row. Check your credit. Do what you can to improve it. Determine the capital you have to invest. Determine potential partners. Determine your funding source. Research potential lenders. Don’t forget Hard Money Lenders. Get pre-qualified from three of these lenders. These steps are biggies, but don’t let them overwhelm you. Take them one at a time and remember your motivation. Don’t forget to set goals.

6. Join a local Real Estate Investors Club. Attend meetings. Being around like-minded people will keep you motivated, not to mention networking opportunities.

8. Find your property/ies. Yes, do your due diligence. That means, research area comparables. Visit the property. Have an inspection completed. Determine what you’ll need to do to flip it quickly.  Decide if the property is a good candidate or not to market to your buyers list.

9. Make an offer by contacting the owner directly, the bank or real estate broker. Be prepared with a pre-qual letter and earnest money. This could be a very nominal amount. Do not forget your addendums to the offer that will protect you!!! Negotiate as necessary. Make as many offers as necessary. Remember, it’s a numbers game. Expect many offers to get rejected, that just means it wasn’t the right deal for. Know that the right deal for you will be accepted. Be patient.

10. Close on your property.  Rehab it or flip it! Start out flipping one property at a time. With more experience, you’ll be ready to handle multiple properties.

To your success flipping homes!


Virtual Wholesaling and Investing Business Processes

What is virtual real estate investing?

Many people don’t believe that you can actually invest virtually. My definition of virtual investing is “Property that is purchased and added to your portfolio and that is never physically touched”. I combine this strategy with pure internet marketing to find leads, and also find hungry buyers to wholesale to for quick cash.

I do think it is important for everybody to beware of the fact quick turning real estate is a strategy that solves your short term cash flow needs, I also would advise that look forward in the future and develop a long term strategy for buying and holding after you have cash reserves so you don’t have to constantly be working.

I wholesaled 45 houses last year all without any credit and without putting down more than 10 dollars as a binder fee. Wholesaling or “Quick-turning” is the best way into the real estate investing business. Doing it online at home in your pajamas makes it ideal! My goal is to share with you how to do this simple, easy, duplicable system.

When I first got started, I used to invest only my area. But for many people their backyard economics don’t make any sense or they can’t find deals. My personal portfolio is spread out over 18 states, and I don’t have a one property that doesn’t produce a positive cash flow. I started with nothing, and I really understand that the biggest challenge for people is that they don’t have money or credit available to do deals.

I am going to show, how you can get big chunks of cash when you wholesale. I have never seen a business, where I have been rewarded in the way I have financially as this one. In this business, if you are willing to put in the time, the money that comes back to compensate your time is unbelievable. My goal is to deliver the plan in this manual that can do 5 – 10 thousand dollars easily every month. This is a very easy duplicitable system and I you can follow along exactly what we do on daily basis, to make money. Continue reading Virtual Wholesaling and Investing Business Processes

Help for Your House Flipping Fear

How many times have you let fear stop you from doing what you wanted to do? We all think we’re beyond that. However, the truth is, fear stops everyone at some point in their lives. Think back to a specific incident in your life where you were so intimated by the “what ifs” that you completely talked yourself out of your idea. Have you ever convinced yourself that obstacles were insurmountable and there was no point in proceeding?

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