In a recent test, a webmaster optimized his site for a four word keyword. After about three weeks, Yahoo and MSN showed the website in the top 10 results.
Even after several weeks, the same website was nowhere to be seen in Google’s top 10 results. The highest result that the website could obtain on Google was position 30!
What does this mean for the new real estate investor?
It looks like Yahoo and MSN are much faster to list new websites in their result pages. The test confirmed that Google has filters for new websites.
For webmasters, the results of this test mean that they have to overcome Google’s filters for new sites if they want to have top 10 rankings. It’s difficult for new websites to get high rankings on Google but it is possible. You have to make sure that Google trusts your site. For searchers, the results of this little test mean that Google might not always have the best search results, particularly when it’s a search for new content. Yahoo and MSN might be the better choice for some searches.
Is your website still not listed in Google’s top 10 results although your site is several months old?
- Your keywords might be the reason for the problem. If you target very competitive keywords, then it will take much longer until your website is listed in the top 10 rankings.
- If you want to get high rankings for competitive keywords, then you need very many good inbound links that contain your keyword in the anchor text.
- If you target keywords that consist of one or two words then you might want to reconsider them. One word keywords usually don’t lead to sales because these keywords are too general.
- Keywords that consist of four words are much more likely to convert to sales than shorter keywords