I have found that prospective new home buyers that are shopping for homes start to search the web Friday thru Sunday. This alerts me that I want increase my marketing to attack this target market. I am suggesting you increase your use of the below marketing methods to get traffic to your site during the weekends
At the same time, you will find that people are going around town doing social activities . I suggest that you get more “eyes” on the ground and get them working for you. Read below for more
I have done each of the following in a massive action on Thursday evening, ready for the a 3 day promo.
Social Networks. The best way is to use social networking sites to reach your large community group and get them to take action and make referrals to you. This includes posting and interacting with other people on social networks like Facebook, and Myspace.
Create a Weekend Promotion – Every weekend create a promotion. This is by the far the easiest and most powerful way to get new leads. I send out a bulletin on MySpace or an email to my group on facebook where I tell them I am paying an above average lead referral fee if they bring me an vacant, ugly, abandoned property. I ask them to simply send me a photo and text email created with their cell phone while out on their Sunday Drive
Email Promo to Your BirdDog List Write an email to your birdogs the same offer you are using for your Social Network.
Use Paid Advertising.
1 Facebook Flyer’s.
2 MySpace Classified
3. Pay Per Click Search Engine Marketing I always increase my paid for click bid on Friday for maximum attention. ( Dont forget to turn reduce your campaign spend on Monday)
This involves spending money on paid advertising in order to get traffic to your website to showcase your homes and it works!